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Joe Notarfrancesco: $194K Complaint Against 58 Group Advisor

Melville, New York financial advisor Joe Notarfrancesco (CRD# 6006136) recently received an investor complaint alleging that his conduct resulted in six-figure damages. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority records show that he is registered as a broker and an investment advisor with Morgan Stanley, whose website describes him as a member of The 58 Group, a practice within the firm.

Mr. Notarfrancesco’s BrokerCheck report discloses one investor complaint. Filed in August 2024, it alleges that as a representative of Morgan Stanley, he recommended an outside real estate investment fund that failed to make payments “on the dates promised.” The pending complaint alleges damages of $194,000.

Morgan Stanley’s website includes a profile of Mr. Notarfrancesco that describes his background and experience. “[He] is a creative problem solver who identifies the most efficient and effective paths for his clients to achieve their financial goals,” it explains. “With a portfolio encompassing nearly half a billion dollars in managed wealth, Joe brings targeted and unique strategies to his clients and achieves results… Joe prides himself on his ability to understand his clients’ unique circumstances and offers solutions to allow them to make the most out of their money, both on a corporate and personal level.”

According to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Joe Notarfrancesco holds 11 years of securities industry experience. Based in Melville, New York, he has been registered as a broker and an investment advisor with Morgan Stanley since 2013. His credentials include the passage of three securities industry qualifying exams: the General Securities Representative Examination, or Series 7; the Securities Industry Essentials Examination, or SIE; and the Uniform Combined State Law Examination, or Series 66. He holds 51 state licenses. (Information current as of August 31, 2024.)

Carlson Law represents investors throughout the United States in claims against financial advisors and investment firms. If you or a loved one have suffered investment losses, please call us at 888-976-6111 or complete our contact form for a free and confidential consultation.

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