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Woody Financial’s Jake Kauzlarich Lands $462K Investor Complaint

A recent investor complaint against Olathe, Kansas financial advisor Jake Kauzlarich (CRD# 5096866) alleges damages of more than $400,000. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority records show that he is a broker and an investment advisor with Park Avenue Securities, while his firm’s website indicate that he is a representative of The Woody Financial Group.

Mr. Kauzlarich’s BrokerCheck report discloses one investor complaint. Filed in November 2022, it alleges that as a representative of Park Avenue Securities, he provided inaccurate information, telling the client that he could not move account investments to cash because “the line of credit that was collateralized with his account did not permit his account to hold cash.” The complaint alleges further that Mr. Kauzlarich did not follow the client’s instructions “to change his risk model to a more conservative model.” The pending complaint alleges damages of $462,000.

A second disclosure on Mr. Kauzlarich’s BrokerCheck report concerns his 2008 resignation from Northwestern Mutual Investment Services. According to the disclosure, he was “permitted to resign” in connection with allegations he “admitted to knowingly submitting an application with false information on it.” In a comment on the disclosure, he wrote that he allowed a former agent to fill out his own application, adding that the agent “did not mark an answer truthfully” and that Mr. Kauzlarich “forgot to change the answer before [he] submitted it due to a hectic schedule.”

According to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Jake Kauzlarich holds 16 years of securities industry experience. Based in Olathe, Kansas, he has been a broker and an investment advisor with Park Avenue Securities since 2008 and 2016, respectively. He is a representative of The Woody Financial Group, which offers securities and advisory services through Park Avenue Securities. His registration history also includes Northwestern Mutual Investment Services in Overland Park, Kansas, where he was registered from 2006 until 2008. Having passed four securities industry qualifying exams, he currently holds 26 state licenses. (Information current as of December 11, 2022.)

Carlson Law represents investors throughout the United States in claims against financial advisors and investment firms. If you or a loved one have suffered investment losses, please call us at 888-976-6111 or complete our contact form for a free and confidential consultation.

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